Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I have registered. Why have I not received an email allowing me to verify my account?
You will have received an email from matX within 5 minutes of registering. Please check your trash/spam folders for the verification email.
1. If the platform is not displaying as expected on your PC or smartphone, check that you are using an up-to-date, secure browser. 2. For best results displaying on all devices, use landscape photos when creating a new listing.
1. You can create an Exchange and then invite members to join from the Exchange Dashboard. For this you will need their email addresses. The email notifications matX sends to invitees includes your name, the name of the Exchange and joining instructions. Invitees do not need to be registered matX Users. 2. Talk to people and businesses you that you trust about joining one or more of their Exchanges.
Users can only see listings in Exchanges that they are members of and listings on the Public Exchange. It is all happening behind the scenes.